Overcoming The Past
Renata Sanchez Vidal, is a young and prominent molecular biologist, with a bright future; she holds a desirable position in her job and is about to marry Alonso Cancino, her college sweetheart. She is accused of being an unfaithful and traitor bride, due to a video in which she appears passionately kissing a stranger, which quickly goes viral in social media. This event has serious consequences for Renata. Her wedding is cancelled and she loses her job. In addition, Alonso questions her professional reputation. Everything gets worse when Renata finds out that Alonso copyrighted her valuable research project - a personal DNA kit - under his name, "Atavico", and that she can't legally do anything to prove that this research is hers, not Alonso's.
After much effort, Renata manages to get a job at Biogenelab, a high-end genetic laboratory, where she will end up designing a new DNA kit. Despite her constant struggle in a sexist environment, where, unfortunately, Alonso also comes to work, Renata soon receives the support from Biogenelab’s respected owner, Lisandro Mascaró. Renata also meets Javier and Fabiola Mascaró, Lisandro's heirs, sparking Fabiola's envy and Javier's romantic interest.
To her regret, Renata is attracted to the mysterious and alluring Mauro Alvarez, a newly arrived computer scientist at Biogenelab, who is not who he claims to be, and whose objective within the company is to avenge his father. At first, Mauro and Renata don't get along well and he will even question her professional capacity simply for being a pretty woman and unable to "handle her emotions"; he will use the famous video of her kissing another man as proof of this.
Carmen Medina, who has been hired as a receptionist, also arrives at Biogenelab; she left her comfortable life in Puebla, pushed by the scorn she experienced after the disclosure of an explicit video showing one of the many infidelities committed by her husband, who was also abusive to her. Along with Carmen, her children Ulises, Oliver and Danna arrive in Mexico. After the impact of seeing her family dissolved, she becomes addicted to her cell phone and social media, where she creates a life for herself that will dangerously bring her closer to a predator.
Another Biogenelab employee is Mariluz Blanco, a young woman from outside the city, who fled a digital lynching after her boyfriend exhibited a sex video of the two of them, causing her to consider suicide at first. Just when she seems to have overcome the incident, her past comes to light, while she receives an offer to be a surrogate womb in exchange for resolving her financial future.
On the other hand, things don't improve for Renata as she discovers she suffers from a liver disease, a situation that will make her realize that she is not part of the family she grew up with, so she begins to trace her origins in order to save her life and find the cure expected by those who suffer from the same disease as she does. Against all odds, she is helped in her quest by Mauro, which leads them to fall in love.
Thus, Renata, Carmen, Mariluz and Danna will share bonds that will unite them in their struggle against the social inhumanity that they suffered in the past. This bond will be reinforced after Renata's true and secret origin is revealed, which - to everyone's surprise - is related to Mauro's revenge, because somehow both share the same past, a past that they will only be able to overcome together through love.
85 x 60'
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Renata Sánchez Vidal - More
Mauro Álvarez - More
Carmen Medina - More
Fabiola Mascaró - More
Javier Mascaró - More
Camilo Sánchez - More